Monday, April 26, 2010

60 days till I eat good cheese...

I don't count the days every day, but today I'm in an exceptionally bad mood, made worse by the fact I was the only person in the office all afternoon. My colleagues abandoned me for a funeral. The cheek.

On days like these I make a few calculations:

13 weeks, 91 days down. 8 and a half weeks, 60 days to go.

60 days (plus a few spent touring African beaches with my dear friend Katie) till I...

  • eat good cheese
  • have a shower that doesn't take 40 minutes to warm up
  • get to watch the new sex and the city movie
  • sit and listen to my dad playing his guitar
  • speak to my loved ones without being distracted by making funny faces on skype
  • can see my feet well and truly clean for more than an hour
  • eat a G&D's bagel in Oxford
  • can drink water from the tap
and finally, 60 days till the mosquitoes finally have their fill.

60% complete.

1 comment:

  1. Squee! Can't wait to help you. Enjoy Rwanda while it lasts! xxx
