Friday I was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They don't yet have someone working on the Commonwealth, and Rwanda is not entirely sure what to do next, despite spending three years fighting tooth and nail to join. This is where I come in. I am frequently introduced as 'our Commonwealth expert from Oxford'. I've given up trying to explain Commonwealth HISTORY is what I know. But research I can do. So I'm currently navigating the labyrinth of organisations and NGOs and finding out how Rwanda can join. I've encountered some seriously random organisations. The 'family of nations' is a strange beast. I've sent many a sincere email ensuring the Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth and the Association of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition that the Ministry will encourage the relevant Rwandan institutions to apply for membership. Like clockwork, my colleague took me to a buffet lunch at Afrika Bite.... I always ask about his wife, who lives in Belgium, indefinitely.
Continuing my Muzungu social-life, my housemate and I spent Saturday by the pool at the second poshest hotel in Kigali. We managed not to pay to swim, and just ordered some slightly off pineapple juice. And then in the evening, we went to a movie night at 'Heaven' restaurant - Parenthood (made me cry, I must be emotionally fragile) and then Anchor Man (much better the second time). Apart from a kid spontaneously throwing up beside us, it was the best evening a Muzungu can hope for.
Nothing better than a little Ron Burgundy the second time around...Can't wait to read more! Hugs! Dawn